Our Program

Play Ground

Our Playgroup Program aims at developing the essential foundation skills in your child, such as basic mannerisms and social and language development. Some of the most important learning outcomes in our toddler program are language development, socialization, self-help skills, and the development of fine motor and eye/hand coordination.


Our Nusery program builds on the foundational skill and introduces structured learning to your child, which includes early literacy and numeracy. Our preschool program provides a foundation for developing greater independence, problem solving, integrating new concepts.


Our LKG program prepares your child for formal schooling with a more integrated preschool curriculum focusing on language and cognitive skills. Within the classroom, interactive books, games and educational online content play a key role in enhancing cognitive development and mental acuteness.


Our UKG program refines your child’s academic, social and creative abilities and ensures that your child is perfectly ready for formal schooling. At this stage we start preparing students for reputed schools in town. While every student in our program will gain the skills needed to succeed in Grade 1.


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